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WPNA Community litter project


This is Sarah McMurray reporting in! Well it was a good outing for about 25 neighbors and 4 UNM students. The Feb. 12th Wells Park Community Litter Project did indeed put a dent into the 30 ft. trash bin the city provided. An estimation on my part for the participation was 3 families, 4 fraternity men, 6 of us board members, and other good hearted folks bringing up the number. Special thanks to the especially generous GOLDEN CROWN PANADERIA (1103 Mountain Rd NW), and the DONUT MART (3301 Coors Blvd NW) and STARBUCKS (1000 Rio Grande Blvd.) for their donations! The litter has become less today and the OUR place a little prettier. Feels good so thank you all. Special shout out to Martha for her work and keeping me on track and the ever present support of Doreen. Shout outs to Jose at the Community Center, Cynthia E., the young men of Kappa Sigma, Doreen’s husband, and board members... and the guy who said his employer told him to come over and join us by the bus stop on 4th. More direction on my part for directing people to concentrated litter sites but oh well, maybe next time. Litter may drag some on our psyche so here’s to picking it up. How can we get the word out for people to pick up their own trash? Hmmmm…



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